Lieutenant Lake

Original Name: Elizabeth Murray-Stone
Spectrum Rank: Colour coded lieutenant
Partner in work: Captain Scarlet
Sex: female
DOB: 23 Dec 2042
POB: Bristol, West Country, England
Eyes: blue
Hair: brown / blond streaks
Height: 5 ft 3

Personal History: Began her career as an art lecturer and leader of a Sunday school group.  Her life was changed dramatically; however, when the Mysterons ‘fixed’ the lift she was in and employed her as one of their agents, naming her ‘Scarlet Lady’.  Though Scarlet Lady was under their control for quite a time, she never fitted in and was finally given the task of killing Captain Tourmaline.  When Scarlet Lady refused to obey her orders, she was electrocuted and abandoned in a ditch.  Injured but not dead, Scarlet Lady recovered on Cloudbase under the care of Doctor Fawn.  She later became Lieutenant Lake, serving Spectrum to the best of her abilities.

Personal Comment: Lake's younger brother, Peter, also serves on Cloudbase, using the codename Captain Tourmaline.  This relationship is a little complicated, however.  Officially, Lake and Tourmaline are not related.  The Lieutenant is an orphan and Captain Tourmaline’s sister is dead.

Medical notes: Lake has retained the Mysteron ability of retrometabolism, but it is defective. She is susceptible to viruses, and it is never guaranteed that she will return to life after being killed.
